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Laptop Attachment Options

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3M™ COMPLY™ Attachment - Bezel

부착 설명

3M™ COMPLY™ 부착 방식 돌출형 베젤용

(베젤이 돌출된 노트북용)

3M™ COMPLY™ 자석 부착 방식 돌출형 베젤용을 활용하면, 한 번의 젖힘으로 최상급 보안 상태와 화면 공유 상태를 신속하고 간편하게 전환할 수 있습니다.

COMPLY 부착 방식의 필터를 돌출형 베젤에 부착하는 방법에 대해 간결하고 명확한 지침이 필요하다면, 이 영상을 참조하세요.

COMPLY™ attachment - bezel fit installation illustrations

부착 방법

참고: 3M COMPLY 부착 방식의 제품에는 경첩이 두 개 포함되어 있습니다. 각각의 경첩은 한쪽에 투명한 접착면이, 반대쪽에 검은색 접착면이 있습니다. 투명한 접착면은 보안 필터에 부착하며 검은색 접착면은 노트북 베젤에 부착합니다.

  • Attaching hinges to COMPLY™ attachment bezel fit
    1. 각각의 경첩을 보안 필터에 부착하세요.
    • 첫 번째 경첩의 투명한 접착면에 붙어 있는 라이너를 제거하세요.
    • 드러난 접착면을 보안 필터의 상단 전면에 붙이되, 우측 가장자리에서 1인치 정도 떨어뜨리세요. 검은색 접착면과의 경계선을 필터의 상단과 나란히 맞추도록 하세요.
    • 두 번째 경첩도 동일하게 좌측에 부착하세요.
  • Attaching COMPLY™ attachment bezel fit to laptop
    2. 보안 필터를 노트북에 부착하세요.
    • 경첩의 검은색 접착면에 붙어 있는 라이너를 제거한 다음 보안 필터의 상단부를 디스플레이의 상단부에 가지런히 맞추세요.
    • 경첩으로 노트북 덮개의 상단부를 빙 두르세요.
    • 잘 부착하도록 꾹 눌러 주세요.
  • Applying optional flip tab for  COMPLY™ attachment bezel fit
    3. 젖힘 손잡이 부착(선택 사항)
    • 젖힘 손잡이를 활용하면, 손가락 자국을 남기지 않고 최상급 보안 상태와 화면 공유 상태를 손쉽게 전환할 수 있습니다.
    • 젖힘 손잡이에서 라이너를 제거한 다음 젖힘 손잡이를 보안 필터 후면부의 좌측이나 우측에 붙이세요.

탈착 방법

  • 상자에서 테이프를 떼어 내듯, 손톱을 사용해 COMPLY 부착 경첩의 가장자리를 벗겨 내세요. 다음으로 손가락을 이용해 경첩의 접착면을 돌돌 말아 주세요. 접착제는 사용 후에 깨끗하게 제거되도록 고안되었습니다. 접착제의 찌꺼기가 남아 있을 경우, 세척용 헝겊에 IPA나 접착제 제거제를 묻혀 제거할 수 있습니다.

효과적인 활용 팁

  • 필터에서 손가락 자국, 얼룩, 먼지 등을 제거하려면, 필터를 기기에서 떼어낸 다음 부드럽고 보풀이 없는 헝겊에 암모니아 성분이 없는 유리 세정제를 묻혀 필터의 표면을 닦아 주세요.

3M™ COMPLY™ Attachment - Universal

부착 설명

3M™ COMPLY™ 부착 방식 - 풀스크린 범용

(베젤이 화면과 일체형인 노트북용)

3M™ COMPLY™ 젖힘 부착 방식 풀스크린 범용을 활용하면, 한 번의 젖힘으로 최상급 보안 상태와 화면 공유 상태를 신속하고 간편하게 전환할 수 있습니다.

COMPLY™ attachment - Universal fit installation illustrations

부착 방법

참고: 3M COMPLY 부착 방식의 제품에는 경첩이 두 개 포함되어 있습니다. 각각의 경첩은 한쪽에 투명한 접착면이, 반대쪽에 프린팅이 된 접착면이 있습니다. 투명한 접착면은 보안 필터에 부착하며 프린팅이 된 접착면은 노트북 덮개의 베젤에 부착합니다.

  • Attaching hinges to COMPLY™ attachment universal fit
    1. 각각의 경첩을 보안 필터에 부착하세요.
    • 첫 번째 경첩의 투명한 접착면에 붙어 있는 라이너를 제거하세요.
    • 드러난 접착면을 보안 필터의 상단 전면에 붙이되, 우측 가장자리에서 1인치 정도 떨어뜨리세요. 검은색 접착면과의 경계선을 필터의 상단과 나란히 맞추도록 하세요.
    • 두 번째 경첩도 동일하게 좌측에 부착하세요.
  • Attaching COMPLY™ attachment universal fit to laptop
    2. 보안 필터를 노트북에 부착하세요.
    • 경첩의 검은색 접착면에 붙어 있는 라이너를 제거한 다음 보안 필터의 상단부를 디스플레이의 상단부에 가지런히 맞추세요.
    • 경첩으로 노트북 덮개의 상단부를 빙 두르세요.
    • 잘 부착하도록 꾹 눌러 주세요.
  • Applying optional flip tab for  COMPLY™ attachment universal fit
    3. 젖힘 손잡이 부착(선택 사항)
    • 젖힘 손잡이를 활용하면, 손가락 자국을 남기지 않고 최상급 보안 상태와 화면 공유 상태를 손쉽게 전환할 수 있습니다.
    • 젖힘 손잡이에서 라이너를 제거한 다음 젖힘 손잡이를 보안 필터 후면부의 좌측이나 우측에 붙이세요.

탈착 방법

  • 상자에서 테이프를 떼어 내듯, 손톱을 사용해 COMPLY 부착 경첩의 가장자리를 벗겨 내세요. 다음으로 손가락을 이용해 경첩의 접착면을 돌돌 말아 주세요. 접착제는 사용 후에 깨끗하게 제거되도록 고안되었습니다. 접착제의 찌꺼기가 남아 있을 경우, 세척용 헝겊에 IPA나 접착제 제거제를 묻혀 제거할 수 있습니다.

효과적인 활용 팁

  • 필터에서 손가락 자국, 얼룩, 먼지 등을 제거하려면, 필터를 기기에서 떼어낸 다음 부드럽고 보풀이 없는 헝겊에 암모니아 성분이 없는 유리 세정제를 묻혀 필터의 표면을 닦아 주세요.

3M™ COMPLY™ Attachment - Custom

부착 설명

3M™ COMPLY™ 부착 방식 - 풀스크린 범용

(베젤이 화면과 일체형인 노트북용)

3M™ COMPLY™ 젖힘 부착 방식 맞춤형을 활용하면, 한 번의 젖힘으로 최상급 보안 상태와 화면 공유 상태를 신속하고 간편하게 전환할 수 있습니다.

COMPLY™ attachment - Custom fit installation illustrations

부착 방법

참고: 3M COMPLY 부착 방식의 제품에는 경첩이 두 개 포함되어 있습니다. 각각의 경첩은 한쪽에 투명한 접착면이, 반대쪽에 프린팅이 된 접착면이 있습니다. 투명한 접착면은 보안 필터에 부착하며 프린팅이 된 접착면은 노트북 덮개의 베젤에 부착합니다.

  • Attaching hinges to COMPLY™ attachment custom fit
    1. 각각의 경첩을 보안 필터에 부착하세요.
    • 첫 번째 경첩의 투명한 접착면에 붙어 있는 라이너를 제거하세요.
    • 드러난 접착면을 보안 필터의 상단 전면에 붙이되, 우측 가장자리에서 1인치 정도 떨어뜨리세요. 검은색 접착면과의 경계선을 필터의 상단과 나란히 맞추도록 하세요.
    • 두 번째 경첩도 동일하게 좌측에 부착하세요.
  • Attaching COMPLY™ attachment custom fit to laptop
    2. 보안 필터를 노트북에 부착하세요.
    • 경첩의 검은색 접착면에 붙어 있는 라이너를 제거한 다음 보안 필터의 상단부를 디스플레이의 상단부에 가지런히 맞추세요.
    • 경첩으로 노트북 덮개의 상단부를 빙 두르세요.
    • 잘 부착하도록 꾹 눌러 주세요.
  • Applying optional flip tab for  COMPLY™ attachment custom fit
    3. 젖힘 손잡이 부착(선택 사항)
    • 젖힘 손잡이를 활용하면, 손가락 자국을 남기지 않고 최상급 보안 상태와 화면 공유 상태를 손쉽게 전환할 수 있습니다.
    • 젖힘 손잡이에서 라이너를 제거한 다음 젖힘 손잡이를 보안 필터 후면부의 좌측이나 우측에 붙이세요.

탈착 방법

  • 상자에서 테이프를 떼어 내듯, 손톱을 사용해 COMPLY 부착 경첩의 가장자리를 벗겨 내세요. 다음으로 손가락을 이용해 경첩의 접착면을 돌돌 말아 주세요. 접착제는 사용 후에 깨끗하게 제거되도록 고안되었습니다. 접착제의 찌꺼기가 남아 있을 경우, 세척용 헝겊에 IPA나 접착제 제거제를 묻혀 제거할 수 있습니다.

효과적인 활용 팁

  • 필터에서 손가락 자국, 얼룩, 먼지 등을 제거하려면, 필터를 기기에서 떼어낸 다음 부드럽고 보풀이 없는 헝겊에 암모니아 성분이 없는 유리 세정제를 묻혀 필터의 표면을 닦아 주세요.

3M™ COMPLY™ Attachment - for MacBook computers

부착 설명

3M™ COMPLY™ 부착 방식 맥북용

(베젤이 화면과 일체형인 노트북용)

3M™ COMPLY™ 젖힘 부착 방식 맥북용을 활용하면, 한 번의 젖힘으로 최상급 보안 상태와 화면 공유 상태를 신속하고 간편하게 전환할 수 있습니다.

COMPLY™ attachment - Macbook installation illustrations

부착 방법

참고: 3M COMPLY 부착 방식의 제품에는 경첩이 두 개 포함되어 있습니다. 각각의 경첩은 한쪽에 투명한 접착면이, 반대쪽에 프린팅이 된 접착면이 있습니다. 투명한 접착면은 보안 필터에 부착하며 프린팅이 된 접착면은 노트북 덮개의 베젤에 부착합니다.

  • Attaching hinges to COMPLY™ attachment system for Macbook
    1. 각각의 경첩을 보안 필터에 부착하세요.
    • 첫 번째 경첩의 투명한 접착면에 붙어 있는 라이너를 제거하세요.
    • 드러난 접착면을 보안 필터의 상단 전면에 붙이되, 우측 가장자리에서 1인치 정도 떨어뜨리세요. 검은색 접착면과의 경계선을 필터의 상단과 나란히 맞추도록 하세요.
    • 두 번째 경첩도 동일하게 좌측에 부착하세요.
  • Attaching COMPLY™ attachment to Macbook
    2. 보안 필터를 노트북에 부착하세요.
    • 경첩의 검은색 접착면에 붙어 있는 라이너를 제거한 다음 보안 필터의 상단부를 디스플레이의 상단부에 가지런히 맞추세요.
    • 경첩으로 노트북 덮개의 상단부를 빙 두르세요.
    • 잘 부착하도록 꾹 눌러 주세요.
  • Applying optional flip tab for  COMPLY™ attachment to Macbook
    3. 젖힘 손잡이 부착(선택 사항)
    • 젖힘 손잡이를 활용하면, 손가락 자국을 남기지 않고 최상급 보안 상태와 화면 공유 상태를 손쉽게 전환할 수 있습니다.
    • 젖힘 손잡이에서 라이너를 제거한 다음 젖힘 손잡이를 보안 필터 후면부의 좌측이나 우측에 붙이세요.

탈착 방법

  • 상자에서 테이프를 떼어 내듯, 손톱을 사용해 COMPLY 부착 경첩의 가장자리를 벗겨 내세요. 다음으로 손가락을 이용해 경첩의 접착면을 돌돌 말아 주세요. 접착제는 사용 후에 깨끗하게 제거되도록 고안되었습니다. 접착제의 찌꺼기가 남아 있을 경우, 세척용 헝겊에 IPA나 접착제 제거제를 묻혀 제거할 수 있습니다.

효과적인 활용 팁

  • 필터에서 손가락 자국, 얼룩, 먼지 등을 제거하려면, 필터를 기기에서 떼어낸 다음 부드럽고 보풀이 없는 헝겊에 암모니아 성분이 없는 유리 세정제를 묻혀 필터의 표면을 닦아 주세요.

Slide Mount Tabs


Slide mount tabs attach onto the device bezel bordering your display and stay in place, allowing you to slide the filter on and off the screen as needed.

How to Apply

  • Illustration of slide mount tabs
  • Illustration showing how to peel slide mount tabs
  • Illustration of slide mount tabs positioned and adhered to bezel around computer screen
  • Illustration showing how to attach privacy filter to screen by using slide mount tabs
  • Illustration showing how to attach privacy filter to screen by using slide mount tabs

Note: Depending on display size, you may not need to use all slide mount tabs provided.

  • Separate slide mount tabs by size, starting with two large tabs for the base.
  • Peel off liner to reveal the adhesive.
  • Position large tabs on bottom corners so the adhesive attaches onto the device bezel and the tab edges hang over the screen.
  • Position small tabs on the sides so the adhesive attaches onto the device bezel and the tab edges hang over the screen.
  • Slide filter into place.
  • Optional: Place additional tabs on the device bezel above the filter to lock it into place.

How to Remove

  • For permanent removal or to replace slide mount tabs, grab onto the non-adhesive tab and slowly peel.

Tips for Optimizing Use

  • Remove the filter from the device before cleaning and moisten a soft, lint-free cloth with ammonia-free glass cleaner to wipe away fingerprints, smudges and dust.
Attachment Strips


Ideal for displays with edge-to-edge glass, optically clear attachment strips are applied directly onto the filter before attaching to the device screen. Washable and removable, attachment strips allow for easy filter removal, cleaning and reattachment.

  • Illustration of attachment strips on a privacy filter for laptops
  • Illustration of attachment strips on a privacy filter for touchscreen devices and tablets
  • Illustration of attachment strips on a privacy filter for monitors

How to Apply

  • Illustration of attachment strips
  • Illustration of attachment strip lining up to edge of privacy filter
  • Illustration of attachment strip applying to privacy filter by pressing
  • Illustration showing how to remove liners from attachment strips after application
  • Illustration of a privacy filter attaching to screen by attachment strips

Note: Depending on the size of your display, you may not need to use all attachment strips. For larger than average displays, use additional strips provided in your package and apply as instructed.

  1. Peel off strip from the clear backing.
  2. Apply strip to one edge on the back of the filter.
  3. Attach slowly and run your finger across strip to remove bubbles and adhere to filter.
  4. Apply all required strips before peeling off blue liners.
  5. Avoid touching the adhesive as you line filter up and attach to screen.

How to Remove

  • Use the thumb notch to grab hold of the filter and slowly pull it towards you to remove from the display.
  • For permanent removal or to replace attachment strips, use a fingernail to peel back the edge of a strip, then roll up the adhesive.

Tips for Optimizing Use

  • Remove the filter from the device before cleaning and moisten a soft, lint-free cloth with ammonia-free glass cleaner to wipe away fingerprints, smudges and dust.
  • Clean attachment strips by running them under water and rubbing with your finger. Let dry before reattaching to display.

Monitor Attachment Options

Some attachment parts are not included with all filters.

Hanger Arms


Hanger arms snap onto 3M™ Framed Privacy Filters and then rest on the top of a monitor, allowing for easy removal, cleaning and reattachment.

How to Apply

  • Illustration showing how to attach a hanger arm to the top of a framed privacy filter
  • Illustration of a hanger arm clipped onto a framed privacy filter
  • Illustration of a hanger arm sliding across the top of a framed privacy filter
  • Illustration showing how to attach a framed privacy filter to monitor screen by the hanger arms
  • Illustration of a monitor attached with a framed privacy filter

Note: The red dot indicates the front of the filter.

  • Clip hanger arms onto filter with arms extending back toward the monitor.
  • Hanger arms are secured if you can slide them from side to side.
  • Hold filter by the sides of the frame when removing or reapplying.
  • Allow hanger arms to rest on top of the monitor.

Tips for Optimizing Use

  • To raise the filter height, apply foam pads enclosed in your package.
  • Some 3M™ Framed Privacy Filter models allow you to replace hanger arms with easy-on, easy-off Command™ Strips.
  • Remove filter from device before cleaning and moisten a soft, lint-free cloth with ammonia-free glass cleaner to wipe away fingerprints, smudges and dust.
Command™ Strips


Command™ Strips connect together when attached to both the front of your monitor frame and the back of a 3M™ Framed Privacy Filter. Offers a secure solution while allowing for easy removal, cleaning and reattachment.

How to Apply

  • Illustration of Command Strips
  • Illustration of Command Strips attached to back of a framed privacy filter
  • Illustration showing how to apply framed privacy filter to monitor screen by Command Strips

Note: The red dot indicates the front of the filter (Side A)

  • Separate Command™ Strips and connect them by folding in half, pressing firmly until they snap together.
  • Peel off liner from one side of the connected strips. Attach to the back of the filter frame with the rounded tab facing the outside edge.
  • Press firmly and repeat on all four corners.
  • Remove remaining liners and bring filter to monitor, lining it up so the strips attach to the bezel (frame) and not the screen. Press firmly.

How to Remove

  • Illustration showing how to remove framed privacy filter from monitor screen
  • Illustration showing how to reattach framed privacy filter to monitor screen
  • Gently pull the filter away from the monitor edges to disconnect the Command™ Strips from each other.
  • Reattach the filter to the monitor by lining up the Command™ Strips in each corner. Press firmly to connect.
  • Illustration showing how to remove framed privacy filter from monitor screen
  • Illustration showing how to slowly remove Command Strips
  • For permanent Command™ Strip removal, detach the filter from the monitor and use the rounded tabs to slowly stretch the strips until the adhesive releases (as shown).

Tips for Optimizing Use

  • Some 3M™ Framed Privacy Filter models allow you to replace hanger arms with easy-on, easy-off Command™ Strips.
  • Remove filter from device before cleaning and moisten a soft, lint-free cloth with ammonia-free glass cleaner to wipe away fingerprints, smudges and dust.
Attachment Strips


Ideal for displays with edge-to-edge glass, optically clear attachment strips are applied directly onto the filter before attaching to the device screen. Washable and removable, attachment strips allow for easy filter removal, cleaning and reattachment.

  • Illustration of attachment strips on a privacy filter for laptops
  • Illustration of attachment strips on a privacy filter for touchscreen devices and tablets
  • Illustration of attachment strips on a privacy filter for monitors

How to Apply

  • Illustration of attachment strips
  • Illustration of attachment strip lining up to edge of privacy filter
  • Illustration of attachment strip applying to privacy filter by pressing
  • Illustration showing how to remove liners from attachment strips after application
  • Illustration of a privacy filter attaching to screen by attachment strips

Note: Depending on the size of your display, you may not need to use all attachment strips. For larger than average displays, use additional strips provided in your package and apply as instructed.

  • Peel off strip from the clear backing.
  • Apply strip to one edge on the back of the filter.
  • Attach slowly and run your finger across strip to remove bubbles and adhere to filter.
  • Apply all required strips before peeling off blue liners.
  • Avoid touching the adhesive as you line filter up and attach to screen.

How to Remove

  • Use the thumb notch to grab hold of the filter and slowly pull it towards you to remove from the display.
  • For permanent removal or to replace attachment strips, use a fingernail to peel back the edge of a strip, then roll up the adhesive.

Tips for Optimizing Use

  • Remove the filter from the device before cleaning and moisten a soft, lint-free cloth with ammonia-free glass cleaner to wipe away fingerprints, smudges and dust.
  • Clean attachment strips by running them under water and rubbing with your finger. Let dry before reattaching to display.
Slide Mount Tabs


Slide mount tabs attach onto the device bezel bordering your display and stay in place, allowing you to slide the filter on and off the screen as needed.

How to Apply

  • Illustration of slide mount tabs
  • Illustration showing how to peel slide mount tabs
  • Illustration of slide mount tabs positioned and adhered to bezel around computer screen
  • Illustration showing how to attach privacy filter to screen by using slide mount tabs
  • Illustration showing how to attach privacy filter to screen by using slide mount tabs

Note: Depending on display size, you may not need to use all slide mount tabs provided.

  • Separate slide mount tabs by size, starting with two large tabs for the base.
  • Peel off liner to reveal the adhesive.
  • Position large tabs on bottom corners so the adhesive attaches onto the device bezel and the tab edges hang over the screen.
  • Position small tabs on the sides so the adhesive attaches onto the device bezel and the tab edges hang over the screen.
  • Slide filter into place.
  • Optional: Place additional tabs on the device bezel above the filter to lock it into place.

How to Remove

  • For permanent removal or to replace slide mount tabs, grab onto the non-adhesive tab and slowly peel.

Tips for Optimizing Use

  • Remove the filter from the device before cleaning and moisten a soft, lint-free cloth with ammonia-free glass cleaner to wipe away fingerprints, smudges and dust.

Tablet Attachment Options

Some attachment parts are not included with all filters and screen protectors.

Attachment Strips


Ideal for displays with edge-to-edge glass, optically clear attachment strips are applied directly onto the filter before attaching to the device screen. Washable and removable, attachment strips allow for easy filter removal, cleaning and reattachment.

  • Illustration of attachment strips on a privacy filter for laptops
  • Illustration of attachment strips on a privacy filter for touchscreen devices and tablets
  • Illustration of attachment strips on a privacy filter for monitors

How to Apply

  • Illustration of attachment strips
  • Illustration of attachment strip lining up to edge of privacy filter
  • Illustration of attachment strip applying to privacy filter by pressing
  • Illustration showing how to remove liners from attachment strips after application
  • Illustration of a privacy filter attaching to screen by attachment strips

Note: Depending on the size of your display, you may not need to use all attachment strips. For larger than average displays, use additional strips provided in your package and apply as instructed.

  1. Peel off strip from the clear backing.
  2. Apply strip to one edge on the back of the filter.
  3. Attach slowly and run your finger across strip to remove bubbles and adhere to filter.
  4. Apply all required strips before peeling off blue liners.
  5. Avoid touching the adhesive as you line filter up and attach to screen.

How to Remove

  • Use the thumb notch to grab hold of the filter and slowly pull it towards you to remove from the display.
  • For permanent removal or to replace attachment strips, use a fingernail to peel back the edge of a strip, then roll up the adhesive.

Tips for Optimizing Use

  • Remove the filter from the device before cleaning and moisten a soft, lint-free cloth with ammonia-free glass cleaner to wipe away fingerprints, smudges and dust.
  • Clean attachment strips by running them under water and rubbing with your finger. Let dry before reattaching to display.


A screen protector applies directly to your device screen with a residue-free adhesive that removes cleanly. Stay-clean edge technology helps keep edges free from dust and grime.

How to Apply

  • Illustration showing how to wipe tablet screen with microfiber cloth
  • Illustration of peeling back screen protector at edge
  • Illustration showing how to slowly apply screen protector to tablet
  • Illustration of applicator pressing down to attach screen protector to device
  • Illustration of applicator pushing air bubbles out to edge of screen protector
  • Illustration showing how to clean privacy screen protector

Note: Turn off device and remove from case before applying screen protector.

  1. Gently clean your screen with a microfiber cloth.
  2. Begin by slowly peeling back the liner.
  3. Carefully line the screen protector up to device edges before applying.
  4. While slowly removing liner, bend the screen protector back and firmly flatten it onto the screen. Tip: If you notice debris under the screen protector, slowly lift it back up and remove the dust particle. Use a piece of tape if needed.
  5. Use the applicator to push any air bubbles out to the edges.
  6. Fingerprints and smudges wipe away cleanly with a soft, lint-free cloth.

How to Remove

  • For permanent removal, use your fingernail to lift a corner of the screen protector and slowly peel it off the device screen.
  • Use a soft, lint-free cloth to easily remove any remaining residue.

Tips for Optimizing Use

  • Fingerprints and smudges wipe away cleanly with a soft, lint-free cloth.

Smartphone Attachment Options

Some attachment parts are not included with all screen protectors.



A screen protector applies directly to your device screen with a residue-free adhesive that removes cleanly. Stay-clean edge technology helps keep edges free from dust and grime.

How to Apply

  • Illustration showing how to wipe smartphone screen with microfiber cloth
  • Illustration of peeling back screen protector at edge
  • Illustration showing how to slowly apply screen protector to smartphone
  • Illustration of applicator pressing down to attach screen protector to device
  • Illustration of applicator pushing air bubbles out to edge of screen protector
  • Illustration showing how to clean privacy screen protector

Note: Turn off device and remove from its case before applying.

  1. Gently clean your screen with a microfiber cloth.
  2. Begin by slowly peeling back the liner.
  3. Carefully line the screen protector up to device edges before applying.
  4. While slowly removing liner, bend the screen protector back and firmly flatten it onto the screen. Tip: If you notice debris under the screen protector, slowly lift it back up and remove the dust particle. Use a piece of tape if needed.
  5. Use the applicator to push any air bubbles out to the edges.
  6. Fingerprints and smudges wipe away cleanly with a soft, lint-free cloth.

How to Remove

  • For permanent removal, use your fingernail to lift a corner of the screen protector and slowly peel it off the device screen.
  • Use a soft, lint-free cloth to easily remove any remaining residue.

Tips for Optimizing Use

  • Fingerprints and smudges wipe away cleanly with a soft, lint-free cloth.